The Serra neighborhood in Ventura, CA, is a perfect suburban community to live in if you want something more low-key. It’s close enough that there are plenty of restaurants and shops within walking distance.
The Serra neighborhood in California’s Bay Area has a median real estate price of $818,025. This is more expensive than 61 percent of all other neighborhoods within the state and 90.6% nationwide.
In the Serra neighborhood of Ventura, renters can expect to pay a higher-than-average price for rent. In this area alone, you are looking at an expense that is greater percentage-wise when compared to other neighborhoods in California. In Serra, you can expect to pay a higher rental price ($2,963) than 63% of neighborhoods in California.
The Serra neighborhood is a great place to live if you’re looking for medium-sized homes with plenty of space. The real estate here consists mainly of three- or four-bedroom properties, though there are some smaller single-family houses that can be found too.
The Serra neighborhood has a range of housing options for those looking to buy or rent. There are large homes with multiple bedrooms, studio apartments that allow you to live on your own, and everything between two rooms worth measuring space per person up to five-bedroom – perfect if family size is important – and apartment complexes/high-rise apartments.
With 6.7% home and apartment vacancy rates in Serra, this area is lower than 58.8% of all neighborhoods across the United States – approximately near the middle range for vacancies.
The Serra neighborhood in California has an unusually high rate of car ownership. Residents here really love their automobiles, as 33% of households here report having four or more cars for every household! That’s more than in 95% of other American neighborhoods.
The Serra neighborhood is home to many different types of people. One type you’ll find here are the professionals, who work hard at their respective jobs yet maintain an airy sense about them that makes it easy for others around them as well get inspired by what these individuals achieve on any given day.
The most popular occupational groups in our area include executives and managers/professional occupations (54%), followed by sales and service jobs, from major sales accounts to working in fast-food restaurants, which accounts for 22.3%.
This neighborhood is home to people from all over the world. The languages they speak show this diversity as well, with 78% of households preferring English while French and Spanish are the other two important ones here too.
Buena Place / Ocean View
Greatway Roofing of Ventura