The Via Marina neighborhood is rich with history, and today it still feels like an escape from the hustle and- bustles of city life. The median price for homes in this area is $763K+ which makes them more expensive than 55% of California’s neighborhoods and 88.7 percent of American neighborhoods.
The Via Marina neighborhood in Oxnard, California, has an average rental price of $2.955, which is higher than 63% of other neighborhoods across the state.
Imagine living in a city where every other person is also trying to get by. The Via Marina neighborhood, located in Oxnard, California, offers this type of lifestyle with its high population density and close proximity; it’s not hard at all.
The Via Marina neighborhood is a great place to live if you are looking for medium-sized homes with plenty of space. The real estate in this area tends towards the smaller end, so it’s perfect for those who want their own private door leading them into their very own home.
The Via Marina neighborhood is an ideal community if you’re looking for single-family homes and townhomes. There are many different sizes available, from small studios up to four-bedroom houses.
Row houses are not just for the rich. Anyone can enjoy living in a row house as long as they have enough land to anchor their home on. The Via Marina neighborhood has an abundance of these types of homes (27.2%), and it is one where you will feel at ease because everything about this place screams “this person’s lived here before.”
The neighbors in this Oxnard neighborhood are upper-middle-class, which makes it an above-average income area. The residents here have higher incomes than 78% of the places around us.
In Via Marina, 35.8% of the working population is employed in executive and management occupations, while 26.3 percent work as professionals or clerical workers.
The neighborhood of Via Marina is home to many international residents, with English being the most common language spoken at 54.6%. A great majority here also speaks Spanish- 39.8%.
The Via Marina neighborhood in Oxnard, CA, is home to many different cultures and ethnicities. The most common identified ancestry among residents here? Mexican (48.6%). There’s also a good amount who say they’re English (7.3%) or Irish (4.5%); some have German roots (4.3%) as well as Italian (4.2%). Additionally, 16.5% of the neighborhood’s residents were born in another country.
Channel Islands
Greatway Roofing of Oxnard