Animals will always be able to find their way onto your residential roof. Although we’ll never be able to stop them entirely, there are some things you can do to decrease the chances of animals causing damage to your roof. For example, a squirrel can cause damage by running across the shingles on your roof.
So, here’s how to get rid of animals and critters on your home roof. Take a look below.
Trim Trees
Trees and large branches are easy access points for animals to climb onto your roof. Some animals can jump incredibly long distances even if your trees are a reasonable distance from your roof.
In addition, overhanging branches near your roof can cause damage during a wind or significant rainstorm. Keep your trees trimmed throughout the year to limit damage to your roof.
Roof Inspections
It’s important to get your roof inspected by a professional at least every two to three years, depending on its age. There are many reasons to do this, including maximizing the lifespan of your shingles. However, where animals are concerned, an inspection can help minimize the chances of animals gaining access to your property.
It only takes a torn shingle, slipped tile, an unsealed pipe, or broken flashing around your chimney to let a small animal inside. A regular inspection could help you avoid dealing with an unwanted rodent problem.
Chimney Cap
An open chimney is a prime place for small animals to settle for shelter. This is especially true if your chimney isn’t in use. It’s an ideal location for nesting birds and rodents to escape harm’s way during bad weather spells.
Putting a cap on your chimney will help to make your roof less inviting for animals looking to shelter themselves. Ask your roofer for a quick quote.
Relocate Your Garbage
Consider where you put your garbage on your property. Animals are naturally drawn to your trash, including raccoons. If your garbage is near downspouts, you may find animals like raccoons trying to climb them.
Your garbage bins could be the first step to your roof for animals. Consider relocating your garbage bins to a place further away from access to your property.
Regularly Check Your Attic and Roof
Your attic will often be the first sign of animals in your home. You may hear scurrying in the attic or other noises indicating you have animals. Go into your attic and inspect periodically.
Take note of any wood in your attic that may have bite marks. Also, look for any holes that could lead to your roof or the exterior of your property. If you find evidence of wildlife in your attic, it’s wise to contact a removal service rather than try and do it yourself.
Greatway Roofing has over 20 years of experience as the leading Santa Clarita Valley, San Fernando Valley, and Ventura County roofing company. We offer free, comprehensive estimates, and our work is fully guaranteed. Talk to one of our friendly team members today at (805) 523-2550.